Doctibike news
By : Tom

Doctibike wins the CEA Grenoble Sustainable Mobility Prize

CEA Grenoble

Doctibike took part in the Sustainable Mobility Days organised by CEA and Minatec Grenoble on 23 and 24 September. And it won the Sustainable Mobility trophy!

A day to promote new forms of mobility

More than 10,000 people came together over two days to discover and promote new, greener and more sustainable ways of getting around. Doctibike was well placed to defend these new practices, as specialists in reconditioning and recycling electric bicycle batteries.

Over the two days of the show, the large number of visitors discovered that there are new ways of getting around, and that they are just as practical and interesting as traditional means of transport.

The Sustainable Mobility Trophy for Doctibike

The award was presented by Yann Mongaburu, Chairman of the Syndicat mixte des transports en commun de l'agglomération grenobloise, accompanied by Daniel Dubost, Director of the Services Courrier Colis de l'Isère -Pays de Savoie Branch and Francis Pillot, Director of EDF Collectivités - Commerce Rhône-Alpes Auvergne. It's a great way of proving that sustainable mobility concerns everyone: small and large companies, the private and public sectors, we all need to move towards sustainable mobility!

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