Battery and electric bikes maintenance

  • 2024-02-01

    How long does it take to recharge an electric bike battery?

    Electric bikes have revolutionised the way we get around, offering an environmentally-friendly and practical alternative to traditional means of transport. However, a question frequently asked by electric bike owners is: how long does it take to recharge the battery on an electric bike?

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  • 2023-07-01

    Our advice on how to charge your E-Bike battery properly

    Charging your electric bike battery should be done very carefully. Charging your E-Bike battery correctly is part of battery maintenance. Taking these precautions will extend the life of your battery. Here are some instructions to follow...

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  • 2022-10-05

    How to maintain your electric bicycle battery?

    The battery is the heart and engine of your electrically-assisted bicycle. Proper maintenance will ensure that it lasts as long as possible. Here are a few tips for looking after your electric bike battery.

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  • 2022-09-14

    Reconditioning your electric bike battery by Doctibike

    After a few years, the battery in your electric bike is likely to lose its range and your bike its performance. Reconditioning your electric bike battery may then be necessary to give your electric bike a new lease of life. Reconditioning an E-bike battery is quick and easy. We explain everything in this guide.

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  • 2022-01-21

    Everything you need to know about the life of an electric bike battery

    Now that we've told you all you need to know about lithium batteries, we're going to give you some advice on how to find the right VAE battery for you. Lifespan, maintenance, price difference: these decisive factors will help you make the right choice!

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  • 2021-06-30

    Top 6: Why recondition your electric bike battery?

    Over the years, your electric bike may become less efficient or lose its range until it's completely out of action. To avoid reaching this point of no return, there are several options open to you: choose a new electrically-assisted bicycle, buy a new battery or... have it reconditioned.

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