Electric bike battery tester

Testeur de batterie electrique Doctibike

"An electric bike without a battery is like a car without an engine, or without a battery, it can't work!"

The battery is a high value item on an electric bike or scooter. The average life of the battery, where it will have lost much of its performance, is about three years, following good maintenance conditions. For example, in the case of Samsung, the manufacturer announces a decrease of 10% of the capacity after 300 cycles, then 30% after 700 cycles, and this for a daily use.

Also called "test bench", "tester" or "capacity analyzer" by professionals of electric mobility Its name? The "Doctibike Tester" a test bench able to give you the health, and even more, the remaining capacity of a battery of scooter, bike and even electric scooter from 6 to 48V precise in 2 hours. And this, for all brands through various connectors provided with the Doctibike Tester. The product is guaranteed 2 years by Doctibike!

How does the Doctibike Tester work ?

We invite you to watch the video below to see how the Doctibike Tester works. A technician Doctibike explains it to you simply and effectively, it is a real child's play!

What are the advantages of having a Doctibike Tester in your store ?

1. A new expert service to your customers

Develop a new electrical offer in your store. The battery test is strongly requested by cyclists for several reasons:

- to have a diagnosis of the battery: if it needs to be repaired, reconditioned or bought new

- at the time of resale of an E-bike to certify that the battery is in good condition


2. Development of your turnover and customer loyalty

The test of an electric bicycle or scooter battery is charged to your customer. Moreover, after the diagnosis and depending on the result obtained, you can offer your customer several possibilities

- reconditioning the battery at Doctibike: you take care of ordering a reconditioning at Doctibike on behalf of your customer while benefiting from a professional price

- buying a new battery at Doctibike

This way, you will offer a 360° service to your customer and you will offer him a good customer experience in your store


3. A single contact at Doctibike for all your requests

You will benefit from an impeccable follow-up when launching your new service within your store. Indeed, each store with a Doctibike Tester is accompanied and trained to use the tool. A hotline is also available for more technical questions.

Tester battery prices Doctibike

The Doctibike Tester is sold by pack. Choose the offer you need or contact Doctibike for advice.

Tarifs des différents packs du Doctibike Testeur

How to order the Doctibike tester ?

If you are not a customer of Doctibike, if you want to order this tool, you just have to create your professional account in click here. After creating your account, you will find in the menu the category Doctibike-Tester.

If you have a professional account at Doctibike, we invite you to go to the category Doctibike-Tester to order it. You add the desired pack to the cart and proceed to the payment.

Finally if you have any questions, you can contact us at +33 (0)9 67 04 31 33, a consultant Doctibike will take care of you.

FAQ Doctibike Tester

How long will the test take?

The test takes 2 hours on average for a standard battery around 10Ah.

The test depends on various characteristics: voltage, amperage, watts. With an end of life battery, the test will be done in a few minutes.

What is the cost for the customer?

Between 30 and 50 euros (tax incl.) are the average rates practiced on the market.

Which batteries can be tested?

All rechargeable batteries between 6 and 48V, Lithium Ion battery technology but also Nimh, Lead, Nicd.

Which brands can be tested?

In addition to the communicated brands, and according to the evolution of the market and your activity, other cables can be provided. Do not hesitate to contact us for any request. We can also develop them in-house, according to your needs.

What will I give to the customer?

It is possible to print a complete test report in A4. The most important value is at the top right of the report: the capacity in Wh, Ah in percentage

You can also use the graph with various curves (Volt, load, resistance)

Does the customer leave with a document?

For time or space reasons, you can inform your customer about his capacity without connecting to a PC and propose a ticket with the key data.

The customer can also leave with a certificate and a flyer "advice on battery use and storage".

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