Giveyour bike a new lease of life by reconditioning your Inovelo 36V 10Ah Battery! Itfits easily onto the frame of your bike and will propel you wherever the wind takes you!
Contact us on for more information!
If you opt to recondition your battery, you may find that the battery charge indicator and/or the bike display lose some of their functionality.
Giveyour bike a new lease of life by reconditioning your Inovelo 36V 10Ah Battery! Itfits easily onto the frame of your bike and will propel you wherever the wind takes you!
Contact us on for more information!
Battery Reconditioning Inovelo 36V 10Ah
HILLTECKS Inovelo Pliant 36V; Inovelo Pliant LCD 36V; Inovelo urbain 36V 2008-2017; Inovelo VTC LCD 36V 2008-2017; Inovelo Tricycle 2008-2017;Hilltecks Bike city 36 2012
Quelle est la marque des cellules pour une batterie 36v10ah ?
Nous vous remercions pour votre consultation.
Nous utilisons des cellules de la marque LG ou Samsung pour tous nos reconditionnements.
Nous restons disponibles pour toutes demandes d'information complémentaires à l'adresse : contact@doctibike.com
L'équipe Doctibike.