Wouldyoulike to give your Thorbike electric bike a facelift? When we receive your battery, we \'ll replace its internal components with new ones!
\r\nThorbike E-bike battery reconditioning isavailable in 10 Ah, 13 Ah and 15Ah.
Wouldyoulike to give your Thorbike electric bike a facelift? When we receive your battery, we \'ll replace its internal components with new ones!
\r\nThorbike E-bike battery reconditioning isavailable in 10 Ah, 13 Ah and 15Ah.
\r\nVoltage:\r\n | \r\n24Volts\r\n | \r\nNumber of cycles:\r\n | \r\n500\r\n |
\r\nAmperage\r\n | \r\n10 Amps\r\n | \r\nCharging time:\r\n | \r\n5-6Hours\r\n |
\r\nPower rating:\r\n | \r\n240Wh\r\n | \r\nWeight: approx:\r\n | \r\n3Kg\r\n |
\r\nTechnology:\r\n | \r\nLithium NCM\r\n | \r\nRange:\r\n | \r\n30 to 40Kilometres\r\n |
\r\nCharger:\r\n | \r\nLithium 24V\r\n | \r\nCorresponding bike model:\r\n | \r\nThorTour A7\r\n |
\r\nWarranty:\r\n | \r\n1 Year\r\n | \r\nInstructions for use:\r\n | \r\nDonot leave the battery for more than a month without charging\r\n |
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