Technical information on batteries and bicycles
By : Tom

Is my bike battery dead: how do I know?

Batterie sur un vélo électrique

One of the most common questions asked by electric bike owners is whether their battery is still in good condition or has reached the end of its useful life. With the rapid evolution of battery technology, it's essential to understand how to assess the condition of your battery to ensure optimum performance from your electric bike. In this article, we'll look at the tell-tale signs that your bike battery could be about to give up the ghost.

1. Reduced range

One of the most obvious indicators of a bike battery at the end of its life is a reduced range. If you find that your electric bike no longer covers the same distance on a single charge as it used to, this could mean that the battery capacity has diminished. A gradual decline in range is normal over time, but if you notice a sudden and significant drop in the distance covered, it's likely that your battery is weakening.

2. Extended charging time

A bicycle battery in good condition should recharge within a reasonable time, depending on its capacity. However, if you find that your battery is taking a long time to charge, this could be a sign of deterioration. Faulty batteries may have difficulty holding a charge, requiring longer charging times to reach maximum capacity.

3. Excessive heating

A healthy bicycle battery should remain at a normal temperature during charging and use. If you notice excessive heating of the battery during these processes, it may indicate an underlying problem. Overheating can be caused by faulty cells or overcharging of the battery, which can shorten its life.

4. Power loss

A faulty battery can also lead to a loss of power during use. If you experience a reduction in motor power or your electric bike seems less responsive, this may be due to a faulty battery. A battery in good condition should provide consistent and reliable power, so any drop in performance should be closely examined.

Batterie avec puissance réduite

5. Ageing of the battery

Like all batteries, e-bike batteries have a limited lifespan that depends on various factors such as frequency of use, storage conditions and charge cycles. If your battery has been used for several years or has been subjected to intensive use, it is likely to start showing signs of ageing. Even if it is still working, an ageing battery may no longer offer the optimum performance it once did.

If it no longer works or is faulty, think about reconditioning your battery with Doctibike!


Keeping a close eye on the condition of your bike battery is crucial to ensuring optimum performance and prolonging its life. By taking into account tell-tale signs such as reduced range, prolonged charging time, excessive heating, loss of power and ageing of the battery, you can determine whether your battery is at the end of its life and whether it needs replacing. Investing in a new quality battery can revitalise your electric bike and allow you to enjoy your journeys with complete peace of mind.

To find out the current state of your battery and its autonomy, you can also order a battery diagnosis! The diagnosis will be reimbursed if you subsequently order a reconditioned or new battery.

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