By : Tom

Shortage of bike parts: think reconditioned or second-hand!

With Covid-19, 2020 will go down as the year of the bicycle boom. On the downside, the dazzling success of the 2-wheeler is leading to a shortage of parts. All bike and battery components are affected. But don't worry, solutions do exist. It's a good opportunity to adopt new good habits... if you haven't already done so!

You can't have missed one of the recurring topics of the moment: the shortage of bicycles and bicycle parts in France and beyond our borders. Since the health crisis and the 1st confinement, bicycles have been in the spotlight every week. With cycling seen as a barrier, many people have decided to strap on their helmets and switch from public transport to cycle lanes, while new sportsmen and women are discovering themselves.

While we are delighted to see the bicycle, long considered the poor man's vehicle, back in the limelight, we must recognise that this is causing production difficulties for manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts.

There are several possible solutions to this shortage. Wouldn't one of them be reconditioning or the second-hand bike market?

Why develop the reconditioning reflex?

Are you missing a single piece and feel like everything could go wrong at any moment?

Professionals get organised to tackle the shortage of bicycle parts

For Mickael Veyrat-Charvillon, Head of e-commerce & CRM at Cyclable: "2021 is clearly a challenging year for ensuring the supply of bicycles to our shops. The demand for electric bikes continues to be insolent in the face of a supply that is more difficult to control because of problems with the supply of spare parts. The whole supply chain is under pressure. The lead times for receiving parts such as brakes, batteries and cassettes from our manufacturers have increased inexorably over the months, leading to delays in assembly and in turn to bikes arriving later in our stores. To offset this, we have of course brought forward our commitments until almost the end of 2022 to ensure high availability in shops and support the growing popularity of cycling. But this has also led us to think about our more eco-responsible offer, aimed at long-term electric bike users. By working with partners like Doctibike, we can offer reconditioning services to our customers in shop, as well as a whole range of new replacement batteries on our e-commerce site. The aim is to offer all cyclists a way of extending the life of their e-bike other than by buying a new one.


reconditionnement batterie velo

Reconditioning of electric bicycle batteries

Doctibike didn't wait for this disruptive situation to develop reconditioning. In fact, since 2014, our expertise has been developed around the idea that electric bikes are for life. Reconditioning is the future!

Recognised as the leader in battery reconditioning on the electric mobility market, Doctibike relies on the expertise of its team to recondition and recycle batteries as well as its in-depth knowledge of electronics to be responsive and provide precise answers to individuals and professionals.

Our ambition is to enable E-Bike users to keep their bikes for longer. Anne-Sophie Caistiker, CEO of Doctibike, started from a simple observation. For an individual, an electrically-assisted bicycle has an average lifespan of 10 years, but a battery remains fully effective for only around 3 years.

Our solution? Reconditioning. Electric bike battery reconditioning, E-bike motor reconditioning, spare parts... We're working hard to develop know-how to give batteries a second life and make E-bikes last longer!

Electric bike spare parts

Cylinder, electric battery cylinder, battery mounting kit with cylinder, lock, LED card, protective cover for electric bike battery, plug kit for charging socket, battery support and connector, screws and bolts... Doctibike advises you and guarantees all its products for 2 years.

And if you want to install your parts on your electric bike, contact your nearest cycle shop so you can set off again quickly and easily!

velo electrique

Why not choose the second-hand market for your bikes?

The advantages of the second-hand cycle market

It's a common misconception that people only sell used products. Whether it's a gift or a compulsive purchase, the second-hand bike market is full of new products, some of them still in their original packaging! If you take a look at the second-hand cycle market, you'll quickly realise that you can find a bike that's been little used, if at all, at an attractive price.

As well as the economic benefits of buying a 2-wheeler (goodbye potatoes and pasta on the menu for weeks), buying a second-hand bike is also an ecological gesture, in the same way as practising selective sorting or reducing food waste.

What should you look for when buying a second-hand bike?

It's not always easy to combine a rare find with a good deal without fear of being taken for a ride! There are two main ways to find your new cycling companion: via specialist shops or by browsing consumer sites.

In the first case, second-hand bikes are often bikes left by other customers in exchange for a discount on their new purchase. Overhauled, reconditioned and cleaned bikes are waiting for you. To find a bike at an affordable price without getting grey hair, go to the Trocathon.

In the second case, there's one watchword: never buy your second-hand bike on the basis of a photo. Take the time to go out and check its condition, the wear and tear of its components and any hidden defects. It's also the ideal time to make sure that the size is right for you and try it out for a few kilometres.

Other ideas: talk to your personal and professional contacts, place an advert in cycling clubs around your home, post a message on social networks.


Checklist to observe when buying a second-hand bike

✔ Observe the general appearance of the bike: does it look well maintained? Are there any scratches, chips, rust spots...? How worn is the chain? How worn are the brakes?

✔ Check the pedals, which should turn without clicking or making noise and without play.

✔ Test the wheels: no irregularities, no warping, broken or missing spokes or damaged brake track?

✔ Check the suspensions, which should slide naturally, silently, and have no scratches or leaks.

Point out the transmission unit: regular lubricating maintenance is easy to spot.

✔ Evaluate the electronic or hydraulic assemblies, taking into account, at the very least, the connection terminals.

Special attention criteria for electric bikes

- Consider the state of the battery

Some models have a built-in function to check this on the control box. There are also applications developed by the brands that allow you to check the state of charge.

- The quality of the motor: its structure should be undamaged, with no apparent signs of impact, and take the time to check that there are no cuts in the motor or if it makes any unusual noises, as specified in the article.

- Year of purchase: battery warranties vary from one manufacturer to another. Find out more and call on our expertise to help you on this point too.

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