
  • 2024-07-29

    Recycling Lithium batteries for electric bikes

    After a certain number of uses, the battery in your electric bike is likely to lose its range and performance. This is normal, as E-Bike batteries have a certain lifespan after which they need to be changed. While some batteries can be reconditioned, this is not the case for all batteries. You can recycle your battery by taking it to a specialist.

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  • 2024-03-15

    Solar panels for electric bikes: good or bad idea?

    With the rise of renewable energy, one question naturally emerges: are solar panels for electric bikes a viable solution or just a far-fetched idea? In this article, we take a closer look at this technology, its potential benefits, its limitations and its relevance to today's cyclists.

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  • 2021-07-15

    Shortage of bike parts: think reconditioned or second-hand!

    With Covid-19, 2020 will go down as the year of the bicycle boom. On the downside, the dazzling success of the 2-wheeler is leading to a shortage of parts. All bike and battery components are affected. But don't worry, solutions do exist. It's a good opportunity to adopt new good habits... if you haven't already done so!

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  • 2021-04-15

    The Solex range makes a comeback in France with the Easybike group

    The vintage bicycle has not said its last word! At the EVER Monaco trade show, Easybike Group presented its new range of electric bikes: the Solex Intemporel!

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  • 2016-05-05

    More and more Europeans people choosing electric bikes

    The Union Nationale de l'Industrie du Vélo has just announced its figures for 2015, and they're very good for electric bikes! Purchases of electric bicycles are continuing to rise and are attracting more and more people.

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