Battery and electric bikes maintenance
By : Tom

A bicycle battery that discharges too quickly: what can you do?

Personne en train de retirer la batterie de son velo electrique

If you're an electric bike enthusiast, you'll know how frustrating it can be when the battery dies quickly. Imagine you're in the middle of an exciting ride when suddenly your bike starts to slow down, forcing you to stop your escapade earlier than planned. Don't worry, you're not alone. Many electric cyclists experience this problem, but the good news is that there are solutions.

Why does my battery discharge so quickly?

Before diving into solutions, it's essential to understand why your battery discharges quickly. There are several possible causes:

  • 1. Temperature: Electric bike batteries are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Very hot or very cold temperatures can reduce battery life.

  • 2. The age of the battery: Like all electronic equipment, battery performance decreases over time. If your battery is old, it may not retain as much charge as it used to.

  • 3. The rider's weight: The heavier the rider, the greater the strain on the battery to provide extra power, which can lead to a faster discharge.

  • 4. Terrain: Riding on uneven terrain or uphill puts more strain on the battery, which can reduce its range.

  • 5. Riding style: If you mainly use a high assistance mode, the battery discharges much more quickly.

  • 6. Storage: When you store your electric bike battery, you should follow the rules that help to maintain the battery's lifespan: these include keeping the charge rate at around 75% and charging your battery at least once a month.

How do I solve the problem of rapid battery discharge?

Now that you've identified the likely cause of your battery's rapid discharge, here are a few solutions:

  • 1. Check tyre pressure: Under-inflated tyres can increase rolling resistance, which puts more strain on the electric motor and drains the battery more quickly. So make sure your tyres are always correctly inflated.
Multimètre posé sur une table
  • 2. Check the battery voltage using a multimeter: Use a voltmeter to test the voltage of your electric bike's battery by connecting the positive (+) and negative (-) poles to the battery terminals. If the result displayed by your voltmeter differs from the battery's nominal voltage, the battery may be faulty. We can then offer you a solution for diagnosing or reconditioning your battery.
  • 3. Avoid extreme temperatures: If possible, store your bike in a place where the temperature is stable. Avoid leaving your bike exposed to the sun or cold for long periods.

  • 4. Pay attention to your riding: Adopt a smoother, steadier riding style. Avoid sudden acceleration and braking, which can increase the energy demand on the battery.

  • 5. Reduce weight: If you often carry heavy loads, consider making them lighter or using a luggage rack to take the strain off the battery.

  • 6. Update your software: Sometimes electric bike software updates can improve energy efficiency, which can help extend battery life.

  • 7. Consult a professional: If you've tried all these solutions and your battery is still draining quickly, it may be time to have your bike checked by a professional. There may be an underlying problem that requires the battery to be repaired or replaced. Don't hesitate to contact us for a more thorough battery test!

In conclusion, a rapidly draining bike battery can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to be. By following these simple tips, you can extend the life of your battery and enjoy your rides with complete peace of mind.

Doctibike is here to help you maintain and repair your electric bike battery!

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